Videos & Practice Test
Pre-Behind the Wheel Assignments

Before heading out on the road to do your behind the wheel driving lessons, it is important that you have studied the driving skills that are necessary to successfully pass your road test.​
The skills that will be tested on your road test include:
1. Car equipment demonstration
2. Stopping
3. Right turns
4. Left turns
5. Up and downhill parking
6. 90o back
7. Parallel park
8. Awareness
9. Practice Test - must be completed before we can schedule any lessons

Tips for Success

Taking notes will be helpful for you to remember the skills that are being taught.
Watch the video more than once will help you feel more comfortable.
Visualize yourself completing the skills properly.
Emergency/Parking Brake
Apply the parking brake in EVERY instance where you are simulating leaving the vehicle. This is important!
Begin Pre-Driving Course Work
Please click on each VIDEO and watch from the beginning
1. Car Equipment Demonstration
You must be able to show that you know what the equipment is on your car and how to use it.
Each car should have the same equipment but it may be located in a different spot on the dash or it may be completely different tool (such as a foot parking brake or a hand engaged park brake.)
2. Stopping
There are many things to think about when stopping like where to stop, how long to stop for, stopping for a school bus, what to do when a pedestrian is present and so much more.
2-Way Stop
4-Way Stop
Remove your foot from the gas pedal and slowly apply the brake.
Where to stop at an intersection:
a. Stop so you can see the rear tires of the car in front of you. (Don’t crowd the car in front of you).
b. Stop with your front bumper behind the white stop line.
c. If no white line, stop behind the crosswalk line.
d. If there are no lines, stop at the stop sign.
e. If the stop sign is behind the white lines, stop at the stop sign.
You may have to stop twice if your view is obstructed. Obstructions are caused by other vehicles,
trees, hills, or any object that causes you to not be able to see oncoming traff
Come to a complete stop.
School Bus Stop Arms
3. Left Turning
Move safely into the correct lane well ahead of the place where you will make the actual turn.
Slow down before making turns.
Signal at least 100 feet before starting your turn.
Left Turn Video 2
a. After checking traffic behind you and signaling (SMOG), move into the lane closest to center line.
SMOG (turn Signal - Mirror - look Over your shoulder - then Go)
b. Look right, left, right for traffic before starting the turn.
c. Yield if necessary.
d. Turn the steering wheel hand over hand, and complete the turn into the first lane right of the centerline.
e. When turning, do not allow the tires to cross over the centerline.
4. Right Turning
After checking traffic behind you and signaling (SMOG), move closer to the right curb
b. Look left, right, left for traffic before starting the turn
c. Yield if necessary.
d. Turn the steering wheel hand over hand, and complete the turn into the lane next to the curb.
e. Make certain you go forward enough so that your tires do not come in contact with the curb
Multiple turn lanes
a. If there are signs or lance markings that allow for two or more turning lanes, stay in your lane
during the turn.
5. Uphill and Downhill Parking

a. Signal that you will be pulling towards the curb.
b. Pull within four inches of the curb with both the front and rear tires.
c. Keeping your foot on the brake, put the car in park and engage the parking brake.
d. When the front of a park vehicle points uphill, and there is a curb, turn the wheels away from the curb. Up, up and away!
e. When the front of a park vehicle points uphill, and there is no curb, turn the wheels toward the shoulder of the road.
a. Signal that you will be pulling towards the curb.
b. Pull within four inches of the curb with both the front and rear tires.
c. Keeping your foot on the brake, put the car in park and engage the parking brake.
d. When the front of the car points downhill, wheels should be turned toward the curb or the shoulder of the road.
7. 90 Degree Reverse Back
a. 5 feet to left of cones
b. One car length passed furthest cone
c. Crank steering wheel to right
d. Reverse
e. Slowly back up coming as close as possible to the first cone
f. When parallel, straighten tires
g. Back straight back
h. Secure car (put in park and engage parking brake)
i. Disengage parking brake with foot on the brake pedal. Put car in drive.
j. Signal when leaving parking spot
7. Parallel Parking
a. 18 inches from front cone
b. Stop with cone at back tire
c. Crank steering wheel completely to right
d. Back up to 45 degrees
e. Stop
f. Straighten wheels
g. Back straight back till front cone is by front tire or bumper
h. Crank wheel to left
i. Back in to spot
j. Pull forward if necessary
k. Secure car (put in park and engage parking brake)
l. Similar to when you are exiting the vehicle at any time
m. Back up while turning wheel towards the curb
n. Signal
o. SMOG (turn Signal - Mirror - look Over your shoulder - then Go)
p. Pull out of spot
8. Awareness
The physical act of driving is much less complicated than having awareness of what is happening in front, to the right, to the left, and behind you. Awareness includes all of the “thinking” parts associated with driving. Awareness includes knowledge of the various road conditions, roundabouts, weather situations that may arise, and so very much more.
General Awareness Video
In this video pay attention to what the narrator is saying.
Pay attention to how the vehicle stops at the white line or how close to stop your vehicle to another vehicle.
Pay special attention to turning onto a one way street.
Backing up in a straight line is NOT on the Minnesota driving exam.
Changing Lanes
Before changing lanes always signal, check your mirror to the side you are moving, quickly turn your head to check blind spots by looking over your shoulder in the direction you will be going before starting your movement, then go.
Remember this as SMOG. Signal, mirror, over your shoulder, go.
Blind Spots
Are areas around your vehicle where your view is obstructed, often by the “pillars” that support the roof.
When looking in your rear view or side mirrors you may encounter blind spots.
It is important to quickly turn your head to check blind spots by looking over your shoulder in the direction you will be going before starting your movement.
Emergency/Parking Brake
Apply the parking brake in EVERY instance where you are simulating leaving the vehicle: flat surface
after parallel parking, following the 90o back, when angle parking, when exiting a vehicle, parking near a curb, etc.